Team riding

How fun that you would like to learn more about playing with multiple horses in riding. This will truly develop your timing and connection with your horses.

Note: You have to have finished step 2 Agility riding with one horse, to start this test. 

Team riding step 1
Note: You have to have finished step 2 Agility riding with one horse, to start this test.

2 horses
Neck rope / Cordeo,  1 longer whip to easier give information to your liberty horse. And optional one stick / whip for more clear aids on the horse you are riding. 
Specific parts step 1:
  • Figure eight in walk.
  • Stop - back up - stay. Both horses waiting and relax.
  • A few steps of trot. Optional position, but liberty horse on the outside of circle is recommended. 
  • Increase the circle while ride on the outside horse, bring the inside liberty horse with you, in a clear sideway. 

Team riding step 2

  • Equipment:
    2 horses
    Neck rope / Cordeo,  1 longer whip to easier give information to your liberty horse. And optional one stick / whip for more clear aids on the horse you are riding.
    Specific parts step 2:
  • Figure eight in trot.
  • Sidepass over a pole.
  • Trot straight on the center line 30 m.
  • Leg yield / full pass in trot.  
  • Separate the horses, ride one lap around the waiting horse. Optional to start infront or behind the waiting horse.